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The home workout programs are a great way to get you started, keep you motivated and stay on track. Having the guesswork taken out for you makes it simple and easy to follow along and complete all those effective workouts. They will give you the foundations to a stronger, longer and leaner body, no matter which stage of the fitness journey you're at.
So whether you're a busy mum, businesswoman, just starting out or a beautiful mumma to be, Courtney has you covered! Each program comes with expensive knowledge and backing as she has been working with women for over a decade as a Pilates specialist.

Single Purchase $49
This program is perfect for the time poor, busy mum or businesswoman, who wants to be fit, feel strong and look great in minimal time.
● 30 x 10-min home workouts for your arms, abs, butt, legs, full body, cardio, stretch & release, core, mobility and meditation.
● 10 different styles of workouts to cover and balance all your body's wants and needs
● The aim is to complete 1 workout per day, following the program from start to finish
● You can always repeat or skip any workout if you like
● Choose where and when suits you

Single Purchase $49
This program is fantastic for those starting their Pilates journey or someone who wants to elevate their practice. It will guide you through proper technique, alignment, body posture, breathing and more. The perfect introduction to the Pilates exercise style. Giving you the chance to sculpt, tone and strengthen your body in a balanced and correct way.
● 4 week program providing an intro to all the basics & some different styles of Pilates
● 20 different workout videos that cover all the body parts, technique and control
● The aim is to complete 5 workouts per week, following the program from start to finish
● You can always repeat or skip any workout if you like
● Choose the days and time it suits you

Single Purchase $49
Perfect for the beautiful mumma to be
It's important to exercise safely when pregnant, and Pilates is great form of low impact exercise that can be done throughout your entire pregnancy. This program has been designed to cater for all stages, fitness levels, and abilities. Of course, it is always recommended to consult your Doctor before beginning anything new if you have any concerns.
● 4 week program that can be done at any time during pregnancy
● 20 different workouts including Pilates, yoga, toning, sculpting, stretching & meditation
● The aim is to follow the program from start to finish doing 5 workouts per week
● You can always repeat or skip a workout if you like
● Choose the days and time that suit you

Single Purchase $49
Perfect for the amazing new mumma
It's important to reintroduce exercise safely after birth by ensuring your body is ready. Generally this is after having your 6 week post check up with your doctor, or when you are feeling ready as you no your body best. This program aims to regain your strength back into full fitness. Working on your core foundations, leading into ab strength and full body toning.
● 4 week program that can be done once medically cleared (usually from around 6 weeks post birth)
● 20 different workouts including Pilates, yoga, core training, strengthening & stretching
● Follow the program along trying to complete the 5 workouts per week, to rebuild your strength and endurance
● You can always repeat or skip a workout if you like
● Choose the days and time that suit you
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